
I do not want you to follow me or anyone else; if you are looking for a Moses to lead you out of this capitalist wilderness, you will stay right where you are. I would not lead you into the promised land if I could, because if I lead you in, some one else would lead you out. You must use your heads as well as your hands, and get yourself out of your present condition. -Eugene V. Debs 1910.

Location: Asbestos, Quebec, Canada

Friday, April 21, 2006

God Save the Queen

...Make her victorious, happy and glorious, long to reign over us...God save the Queen.

Or something like that. Tempted to say Queen mum, she looks so much like her, but no just Queen. What an interesting woman. Actually has some sense. Served as a lorry driver during the war. Not a douchebag like Prince Charles. Everyone is ripping on Prince Harry lately, but I can't help but think to myself, is this boy who drinks, makes incredibly stupid mistakes, but is clearly hardheaded and otherwise sometimes likable much more like the real kings of England of the past (like his Grandmother) rather than the effeminate emasculated Charles? I'm sure William will do well, but perhaps Harry is the boy who should be king.

Now I'll admit I'm a total anglophile, but the more I think about it lately, I think there is some value to the monarchy. Now to the extent they actually rule, I recognize the problems there, but these monarchs are figureheads mind you. But the value is demonstrated in this country. Here where in the next election we may have a (Jeb) Bush versue a (Hillary) Clinton. Monarchy anyone? And it isn't a new trend either. Washington could have been president for life if he had so chosen. Two Adams, two Roosevelts (one of whom was basically elected for life), several two term presidents, a father and son Bush, and as I have mentioned, Bush is related to Pierce. I'm sure I'm also missing a couple. So it seems people gravitate towards monarchy in a way. I'd much rather see a parlimentary system here, and a figurehead monarchy. Maybe we could be really novel and elect our figurehead monarchy, maybe then our desires for a Bush v. Clinton world would make sense. Every few years we could switch back and forth. Prince Billy. Princess Jenna. Don't those sound wonderful?


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